Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Griffith's Valuation and beyond.

I'm willing to check out your ancestors property that you have seen in the Griffiths valuation. I can establish how long it remained in the family and under what names.

I would also be able to get a photocopy too.

It can be a bit pricey but worth it all the same.

The potential is to show who were in the house right up to 1977. Email me! click here


  1. Funny you say 1977....I wonder how many properties are still in the same family today that were that family going back to 1864. Know at least one, maybe two in County Louth. I have wondered if there are still McMahon still living on the property of my ancestors in Ballyvannon, Clare.

  2. If they were farming there is a possibility but all the way back to the mid 1800's most would be tenant farmers.
    However, many would of stayed in the area and of course as they prospered ending up buying the property. I have a few who remain on the original land.
