Thursday, 29 March 2012

Irish Ancestry Research update

If you require any research carried out from May onwards I intend to offer the following.

Research in Dublin (All-Ireland) at least once a month for parish records, copies of newspaper reports, land records etc.

Weekly access to in depth Co Cork records.

To obtain Irish BMD's on a weekly basis.

In certain counties I have contacts if you require on the ground research for graveyards, photographs etc.

Also, if you have ancestry from England or Wales , I can offer research in certain counties also.

*Please note- if  personal replies are required please use the e mail address provided not the comments facility. Thanks.

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Sunday, 25 March 2012

Tithe Applotments Co Limerick

This is a fine example of the Tithe Applotment records from the 1830's for the parish of Knockaney, Co Limerick.

I'd like to thank Patricia Connors from California, USA who passed on this image to me.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Irish Parish Registers

Feeling bored and you'd like to look and transcribe some parish entries?
Please add a comment on how you got on.

Click on image to enlarge

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Thursday, 15 March 2012

Land records

Next month I will be visiting Dublin for land records. Many researchers will have heard  of the Griffith's Valuation which took place in Ireland in the mid 1800's. After the valuation records were kept up to date on the property.

For example, on the property that my Gx2 had in Co Dublin the records show my Gx1 taking over the property and indeed the next generation too. If the property remained in the 20th century it is possible to track the owners up to the 1970's. The importance of these records for family historians is obvious.

However, this research does not come cheap. If you wish me to research this for you let me know as soon as possible as I can only take x amount of queries up with me.

Email me! click here

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

National Land League 1881

I constantly give advice that newspapers are a fantastic resource for anyone researching their family history.

I give here another example of what one "might" find.

I have commented on the National Land League before and indeed I found a Gx2 of mine being very involved in Co. Meath in the 1880's.

The following is from one of the weekly meetings of the National Land League in Upper Sackville Street, Dublin 1881.

Donations were read out where the main donation for that week was from the Irish of Boston, MA. USA. (over £2,000)

At the weekly meetings applications of assistance were read out from those who were evicted. I shall give a few examples here.

Ahascragh Branch (Co Galway) applies for a grant for Edward Pender and two in family evicted on the 28th April 1881, by Rev. Sir Wm. Mahon of Rosherham, Lancashire.
When Pender took this farm about 23 years ago, he had to pay to the landlord a fine of £7 10s. The rent at this time was one guinea per acre. Shortly after it was raised to 35s. He has been admitted as caretaker, but the farm remains untaken. £3 granted.

Kilmore (Erris)  Branch (Co Mayo) applies for a grant for Andrew Gunning and three in family, evicted on the 11th July, 1881, by Denis Bingham J.P., Bingham Castle, Belmullet. His valuation was £1 10s, rent £4. He has not been admitted as caretaker, the house being levelled after his eviction. The farm remains unoccupied. £4 granted.

Ballyhooley Branch (Co Cork) applies for a grant for Hannah Bomen and 3 children, evicted on the 2nd March 1850, by Mr Bleazeby, of Ballincurra. She has not been taken as caretaker, and the farm was taken by Mr William Prendergast of Kinsale. £3 awarded.

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Sunday, 11 March 2012

1926 Census

Heritage Minister Jimmy Deenihan T.D. is hoping for legislation this summer for the publication of the 1926 census. 1926 was the first census of the Irish Free State.

Minister Deenihan had previously expressed a desire to see the publication of the 1926 census to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the "Easter Rising" in 2016.

There is talk of it not being free on line (as the 1901 and 1911 censuses are) and a possibility that children's details being hidden.

I look forward to being able to see my grandparents  and a few uncles and aunts on the census.

I will not go into detail on the 1926 census until legislation is passed which should come about in the early summer of this year. Email me! click here

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

My Ancestry in Ireland.

My own research in Ireland concentrates on Co's. Dublin, Meath & Louth.

The pricipal surnames are McCormack, Wade, Savidge / Savage, McKenna,Teeling, Lindsay, Morgan, Markey, Doran and a few more.

Most of my lines I have got back to pre famine times and a couple back to late 1700's.

No matter how far back you get back on yours...... if you have managed to get back as far as records exist for that locality then you can do no more and well done!

I strongly advise those researchers who have not invisted their home County/Parish/Townland to do has to be more than just names and dates! 

Add a comment on your surname interests too if you wish.

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Thursday, 1 March 2012

Evicted Tenants Fund

The following is taken from a newspaper dated 1894 regarding a letter representing the parish of Moate, Co Westmeath.

There is more detail but I am just posting the surnames involved.

The surnames metioned represent people who contributed to the Evicted Tenants Fund. The size of contribution is also mentioned.

Similar reports are available for many areas

Moate, Co Westmeath

Keeney Egan Edwards Keegan McCormack Connell Hackett Ganley Eagney Molloy Mulleady Plunkett Heagney Kearney Baswell Faery Mahon Casey Claffy Farrell Walsh Gurr Gaffey Hearn Sheeran Devery Meares Hillard Adamson Connaughton Geraghty Boswell Martin Shortall Derwan Mullearney McLoughlin Ready

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