Wednesday, 7 March 2012

My Ancestry in Ireland.

My own research in Ireland concentrates on Co's. Dublin, Meath & Louth.

The pricipal surnames are McCormack, Wade, Savidge / Savage, McKenna,Teeling, Lindsay, Morgan, Markey, Doran and a few more.

Most of my lines I have got back to pre famine times and a couple back to late 1700's.

No matter how far back you get back on yours...... if you have managed to get back as far as records exist for that locality then you can do no more and well done!

I strongly advise those researchers who have not invisted their home County/Parish/Townland to do has to be more than just names and dates! 

Add a comment on your surname interests too if you wish.

Email me! click here


  1. I have Morgan from Derrynoose, Armagh to Australia in 1855. My wish is to visit one day but as I'm in Australia and finances don't permit I use virtual travel with Google steet view. It's awesome. I've joined a facebook group for the town of Keady nearby and everyone is very friendly.

  2. Great idea Kerryn, I too have Morgan's in not too far away Co Louth. (just a few miles)

    I see you're near Melbourne.....I only found out the other day Melbourne was once known as "Batmania" I really wish they had kept the name!

  3. My Irish roots are in Western Ireland, in Counties Clare and Galway. I haven't yet managed to get back as far as the famine, apart from discovering a few ancestors who would have live through it. The oldest ancestor I have found is one born in 1809 who was living as a 92 year old woman in the 1901 census (my 3x-great-grandmother). How have you managed to get back to the 1700s!?

  4. Hi

    I have Mary Boyle who married Richard Morgan in 1888 and had children. Mary was the dau of Patt Boyle and Catherine Trainer.....

    I also have one of my garveys who married a McKenna (near crossmaglen)

    My Granda Lennon was born in Barronstown

    1. If you require assistance send an email via the link on the blog.

      Thanks for adding your comments.
