Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Cork Surnames

This is a small collection of surnames (I'll add to regularly) from St. Mary's & St. Anne's R.C. Cathedral, Cork that I took from registers in Dublin.

Farrell Farren Farrington Farrissy Farry Faulkner Fawcett Feehan Feeney Faehilly Felton Fennell Geary Gibbons Gibson Gillings Gillman Giltenan Glanville Glavin Goodman Gordon Gorman Gould Grace Grady Grandon Greaney Green Griffin Guerin Hackett Haly Hanlon Harold Harrington Harris Harrison Hart Hartnett Harty Hayes Morey Morgan Morley Moroney Morrow  Morrough Mountain Moxley Mulchin Nagle Naughton Neenan Norris Norton Synan  Tarleton Tarrant Trant Travers Turnbull Tyrell Uniacke Upington Vaniston Varian Verling Vernes Verschoyle Whitford Wigmore Willis Windle Wool Woulfe Wrixon Wynne Yelverton Young

Variants of some of these names are seen also.

I'll try to add every couple of weeks or so.

Email me! click here


  1. Always interested in parish entries, but find some handwriting more difficult to read than others. Thanks for sharing!
    I found you via Thomas MacEntee's FB page.

  2. I'll be adding a lot more to this page in time.

    Thanks for your comments.

  3. I've added a piece on Cork Surnames on the Irish Origenes website (under the blog section) enjoy

  4. I've added a piece on Cork surnames in the Irish Origenes website (under the blog section) hope you enjoy.
