Thursday, 24 May 2012

An Irish Obituary

I have recently been attempting to obtain a few obituaries for myself and others and have had a fair bit of success.

I was delighted to obtain the obituary for my Great Grandfather Thomas Wade of North Co. Dublin.

This is from  September 1932 just a few days before my father was born just 1 mile away.

Thomas Wade, Balbriggan.

Widespread regret has been occasioned by the death of Mr. Thomas Wade which occurred after a brief illness at his residence, White Hart, Balbriggan, on Friday last. the deceased, who had reached his 71st year, carried on successfully the business of auctioneer, and was prominently identified with the farming and livestock industry in North County Dublin. At various cattle shows throughout the country his services in the capacity of Judge were frequently requisitioned, and his decisions gave the utmost satisfaction.

He took a keen interest in local affairs and was for a considerable period a useful and popular member of the now defunct Balrothery Board of Guardians. As Chairman of the Balbriggan Coursing Club he did much to encourage coursing in North County Dublin.

The funeral on Sunday SS. Peter and Paul's Church to the family burial ground at Balrothery was one of the largest and most representative seen in the district for many years. As well as a huge concourse on foot over 100 cars followed the remains to their last resting place. (list of clergy follow)

The chief mourners were :-  Mrs. Wade (widow); Arthur and Thomas Wade (sons);  Mrs. P.J. McCormack, Misses Thomasina, Mary Francis, Esther and Julia Wade (daughters); Andrew and John McLoughlin, John, Patrick, Vincent and Rev. Jos. Purfield (nephews); Mrs G Wade, (niece); P.J.McCormack (son in law), John Savage, Christopher Lindsay, J.Monks, Joseph, John, Michael and Patrick Wade (relatives).  R.I.P. Email me! click here

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